Any business that uses professional plant protection products (PPPs) and any adjuvants are legally required to register basic details of their activities with Defra by 22nd June 2022. This includes the registration of all business addresses related to PPP activity. You need to register if you:
Use professional PPPs and any adjuvants as part of your work
Have professional PPPs and any adjuvants applied by a third party as part of your work in agriculture or horticulture, amenities or forestry – therefore in a contract or share farming agreement both the farmer and the contractor need to register.
It is a relatively straightforward form; the complicated part is the detail on the amount of product used in a typical year (which is required only as a number with kgs equivalent to litres for this purpose).
The deadline is statutory making it an offence not to register, inspection visits will be carried out by HSE to ensure compliance and inspection visits may be made without prior notice.
You do not need to register if you rent out land where your tenant applies PPPs and any adjuvants as part of their work.
Use the following link to find out more and to download a form to register as a user of professional plant protection products (PPPs) and adjuvants. If you have any questions, please contact one of the Hub team.
Further information can be found following this link: The Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020: policy statement - GOV.UK (